º£½ÇÉçÇø (CI) is continually enhancing its web sites to increase accessibility and usability for all of our web site visitors. These enhancements are based on Section 508 guidelines, World Wide Web Consortium (W3C) guidelines, and principles of universal design
Tips for users of screen readers
- Use quick access links. We've placed a link called "Skip to content" at the very top of our pages, before the CI logo. Clicking on this link will take you past repetitive navigation elements and directly to the main content on the page.
- Navigate by headings. We've structured our Web pages so that information is grouped and titled with section headings. The headings are properly coded HTML so that you can take advantage of your screen reader's ability to bounce from heading to heading in order to skim our content.
- Read link titles. Many screen readers allow you to select linked text, the link's title attribute or whichever is longest. We recommend setting your reader to read whichever is longest. We use unique and descriptive link text whenever possible. When this is not possible, we'll include a title attribute that makes the destination of the link clear.
- Look for alternative formats. Some documents or information may be provided in alternative formats. We provide alternative formats for information to help ensure that our content is accessible to everyone.
- Upgrade to Adobe Reader version 5.0 or later. We try hard to ensure our PDF files are available to multiple versions of Acrobat. However, because PDF files created in Adobe Reader version 4.0 or earlier are not accessible by screen readers, CI creates its PDF files in version 5.0 or later. Therefore, to access the PDFs on our site, you'll also need to upgrade your Adobe Reader version to 5.0 or later. We currently recommend  or later to maximize accessibility features.
- Control font sizes. You can control the font size of each page with your Internet browser by adjusting the browser zoom level. Our pages are coded so that the font will resize without significantly changing the layout of the page.